+91 934 490 6974
Basic Python Knowledge, Understanding of Data Structures, Functions and Control Flow
Intermediate- Age 10 and above are welcome
Advanced Lists and List Comprehensions
Nested lists
List comprehensions for compact code
Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries
Understanding immutable tuples
Exploring sets for unique data storage
Dictionary comprehensions
Week 1-2: Advanced Data Types and Structures
Advanced Function Techniques
Recursive functions
Lambda functions for concise expressions
Modules and Packages
Creating and importing custom modules
Introduction to external libraries like NumPy and Pandas
Week 3-4: Functions and Modules Mastery
Introduction to OOP
Understanding classes and objects
Constructor and destructor methods
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Implementing inheritance for code reuse
Polymorphism with method overriding and overloading
Week 5-6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles
File Handling and Exception Handling
Reading from and writing to files
Handling exceptions gracefully for robust code
Final Projects
Individual or group projects based on students' interests.
Week 7-8: Advanced Topics and Projects
Grade selection
Buds - For Beginners
Sprouts - Early Learners
Vine - Middle Learners
Flowers - High School